The superstar Rajnikanth was been busy with his ventures in Telugu as well in Tamil Versions. He is presently busy in the film “Enthiram” starring with the Green eyed beauty Aishwarya Rai and was stopped due to the leaks of the shooting. He is also busy in the venture “Sultan- the Warrior” which is a 3D animation film starring with the hot star Vijayalakhshmi as the lead one who was seen in the movie “Chennai-28”. According to the makers the flick was been going to make in total 18 languages including English and if it happens then it will be going to create a new record. The hot drone of the movie is that it was been making with a high budget of 60 crores and was going to heat up this summer by hitting the screens. The flick “Sultan-the Warrior” was been directed and Produced by his Soundarya Rajnikanth