The superstar Prince Mahesh Babu was lastly appeared in the movie “Athidi” starring with the hot beauty Amrita Rao did not get a good response and had a little gap and was been currently engaged with the four ventures which will be releasing in this year 2009. One of the films is the remake movie as “Simhasanam” with the tough task manager SS Rajamouli and the other three will be with the famous directors Trivikram, Gautham Mennon and Puri Jagannath. The venture is going to launch and start the shooting to the 18th of this month which was actually to start to the 2nd but the cinematographer was busy in the Bollywood with his commitments. He was none other than Sunil Patel who was with the fame of “Bachna Ae Haseeno” and the film shooting will be in the backdrop of Rajasthan and South Africa. This flick for which the title not yet finalized was been Produced famous Producer Singanamala Ramesh and was been directed by the great director rivikram Srinivas.