Star-in-making Ramcharan Teja in the lead, paired with cute beauty Kajal Agarwal, ‘Madadheera’ is being churned out by successful director SS Rajamouli. Produced by Allu Aravind on Geetha Arts, it also has Real Star Srihari in a dual role. The shooting is in to the final phase now.Designed as a semi-periodic entertainer, ‘Magadheera’ is a romantic story striking balance between mass and action elements. This second venture of Charan has already evoked big expectations among fans and trade circles.Relating to the film producer Aravind said “Charan fits aptly to the title; this will take him a step higher on the rung as hero. Made on an unprecedented budget, with extravagant sets, and high-quality visuals, the magnum opus will set a new trend. We are expecting to bring it on this summer.”He added that expensive sets have been constructed for ‘Magadheera’. The team toured Rajasthan and Gujarat to cover sequences related to periodic times. Another USP of the film is the remix chart buster ‘Bangaru kodi petta…’ featuring Charan with father-actor Chiranjeevi. It was originally enacted by Chiranjeevi in one of his blockbuster movies.Efforts are underway to release the audio soon. The movie will hit the theatres around the second weeek of May.The story is penned by V.Vijayendra Prasad, costume and styling by Rama Rajamouli, MM Keeravani composed the music, and Senthil of ‘Arundhati’ fame is the cinematographer.