Swine flu hits Vikram’s Mallana


http://www.telugudreams.com/intranet/tdadmin/upload/movies/NewsGossip/Vikram_imgC3.jpgSongs shot at foreign locations have added glamour to Tamil movies and helped pull in the audience.  But now, with the ‘swine flu’ scare, foreign embassies are going slow on issuing visas and this has hit the industry badly. Directors are now going to find it difficult to shoot abroad or have foreigners come into the country for various projects.

Kalaipuli S Dhanu, producer of Kandasamy, had plans to bring the 50 Mexican dancers, who featured in a song with the lead pair Vikram and Shriya, to Chennai. They were to perform at the audio launch of the film on May 17. However, since the H1N1 outbreak was detected in Mexico, it is unlikely that they will be given visas to enter India.

Says Kalaipuli S Dhanu, “Kandasamy is the first superhero film in Tamil, made on a big budget. I wanted to have the film’s audio launch on a grand scale. Now, instead of the Mexican dancers, I’m trying to bring in the Italian dancers who performed in another song in the film.”

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