Allu Arjun's ongoing sequel to his super hit Arya (2004), which was tentatively titled Arya 2, is rumoured to have been renamed Akrandana. Quite unhappy with the title Arya 2, Allu Arjun was in search of another suitable title. Being directed by newcomer Rallabandi Srinivas, Akrandana is produced by R.S. Vasu under the banner of Sri Venkataramana Creations. Tamil actor Arya plays the villain in this film, which will have Shraddha Das, the latest entrant to Tollywood's glam department, playing a key role. Recently launched in Hyderabad, Akrandana is a love story set in the backdrop of a murder mystery. Gundu Hanumanta Rao, Jenny, Tilak, Vinod, Junior Relangi, M. Shyamsundar, Annapurna and others are in the cast. Music is by Gorantla Krishna, while cinematography is by Muralikrishna. The film is expected to hit screens in