Ramya, aka Divya Spandana, who starred opposite Dhanush in the original, reportedly didn’t fit the bill for the remake. Vasu says, “Ramya was very keen to do the remake. In fact, she approached us for it. But we had to take the age factor into consideration. Ramya has starred opposite actors like Upendra and Darshan. She will look like 19-year-old Yogi’s akka if we were to cast her in the film.”
Aakansha to act with H Vasu
|Ramya, aka Divya Spandana, who starred opposite Dhanush in the original, reportedly didn’t fit the bill for the remake. Vasu says, “Ramya was very keen to do the remake. In fact, she approached us for it. But we had to take the age factor into consideration. Ramya has starred opposite actors like Upendra and Darshan. She will look like 19-year-old Yogi’s akka if we were to cast her in the film.”