'Tella Sunil' To Demand Rs 70,000 p/day


The film industry is one place where the remuneration drawn is directly proportional to the roles that one has in hand and their recognition in the industry. This is more a case with those junior artistes who survive on a daily role to spend their day and thereby earn their bread and butter.

Here is one star who is fat but sweet and highly talented and his prowess was seen in the recent movie 'Vinayakudu' which turned out to be a huge success. He is none other than Krishnudu and right now he has become a busy guy to find since he is being showered with offers and roles. In fact Krishnudu is being called 'Tella Sunil' (fair Sunil) as he too looks plump and speaks in Godavari slang to bring laughter.

It is known news that the sequel to 'Vinayakudu' has already been planned and once that comes to the screens, folks say that Krishnudu would be hiking his fee and would not be hesitating to demand up to Rs 70000 for each day since his demand and image will be different by then. Wonder what he has to say to this.

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