Producer 'Used' Heroine For Less Pay


The wise men often say that before you start off with a project be it old or new, you must always be sure that the paperwork is in order. That way no misunderstandings will arise when it comes to payment for the stars and the professionalism is maintained in a big way.

However, there are many who tend to be on the wrong side and this is one perfect example. There is news that the Bollywood beauty Swetha Bharadwaj who recently made her debut in Tollywood with the film 'Indumathi' was actually promised a whopping twenty lakhs as her fee.

Finally, the maker is said to have given Swetha a mere four lakhs and since the agreement was all oral, nothing could be done about it. While folks have been wondering as to how Swetha could expect such huge amounts, given the fact that she has acted in 'Mission Istanbul' seems to have convinced her that she might be worth so much.

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