Ever since she got rave reviews for her performances in Yamadonga and Paruthiveeran (Tamil flick), Priyamani has suddenly become most sought after heroine. She is now busy with almost five films in Telugu and Tamil including Manirathnam’s Ravana. Moreover, she has also changed her style and now setting the screens on fire with her sizzling hot looks. Recently, she also wore two-piece bikini in Drona. Not just the transformation of outer looks, she also has fallen in love too.
Buzz is that Priyamani is currently dating Malayalam actor Prithiviraj. Both of them are acting together in two films. And they are said to be going out regularly and have constantly found at various pubs and restaurants in Chennai. What’s brewing, Priya? Is it just passing guss or serious one. Earlier she was linked with Vishal and hero Raja too
by Telugucinema.com.