Day after Christmas, Pawan Kalyan will be halting all the movie shootings and activities related to his films. In the coming 5 months, he will not participate in any of the movie shooting including Puli, being directed by S.J.Surya, that has already finished 60 percent. The reason is simple. He has decided to make a whirlwind tour through entire Andhra Pradesh by holding meetings for his 'Yuvarajyam', a youth wing of Chiranjeevi floated political party Praja Rajyam. Pawan has taken the charge as president of Yuvarajyam and he is starting his canvassing from December 26.
Earlier Pawan Kalyan wanted to canvass for his party from Feb 2009 but things have changed now what with Prajarajyam party slowly losing initial euphoria. Pawan, who has great fan following among the youth, wants to sustain the interest towards the party