The love life of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor, in all its rosy detail including personal information and private photographs, is all over the virtual world. A prankster who opened an account on a popular networking site under the name of Safeena Kapoor Khan, has been giving Bollywood's hot couple several harrowing moments. Strangely, not only is he leaking out very private info related to the couple, but he's also managed to update his site with candid photographs of Saif and Kareena that were apparently taken for their personal albums.
"It's completely harmless and probably a fan trying to be part of our togetherness. No harm done. Not that I approve of prying eyes and inquisitive people. But what can one do? As long as Kareena and I are very careful about our public behaviour, we're fine. Everyone has a camera in the phone these days. You can't stop them from clicking," reacted Saif to the issue. Elaborating on the pictures that have appeared are harmless, Saif says, "One of them was taken probably while we were flying to the