Hansika Motwani. Who has lost quite a bit of weight and is looking even prettier than before. The actress has been shooting for director B Gopal's film. She is playing the lead opposite RAM in the untitled film. Sources say that the actress had been on the receiving end of some not-so-flattering remarks about her baby doll look. So a miffed Hansika has decided to hit the gym to prove her detractors wrong. And guess what? Apparently Hansika will be seen showing off her perfect curves in her next Bollywood film, Money Hai To Honey Hai. Now that's something to look forward to isn't it?
Hansika who has shot a special song sequence recently for this film on the last day of the shoot, is all set to show off her dance moves! The sizzling Punjabi number appears as a dream sequence in the film when Hansika dreams of making it big in Bollywood and becoming the top heroine! The song will feature Hansika and Ganesh Acharya and we can expect to see some very sexy shimmying from Hansika as she'll be belly dancing in the song! To top it all, Hansika will be seen carrying off a 60 meter gown in the same song alternating with some very cool hip-hop costumes too! Whoa! This one song sure seems to have all the right ingredients to set the dance floor on fire!