The film Dasavatharam is releasing tommorow, the film was premiered to some important persons on 7th June in Chennai. We can the first reactions of some of the personalities known to our Telugu industry-
Surya : “Stunning. I’m not going to be able to sleep for a month, Dasavatharam will haunt my dreams. “Kamal’s Annachi character is his funniest performance ever.”
Jyothika : “Marvellous. I’ve never seen anything like it”.
Director K.Balachandar didn’t speak – he ran to Kamal and tried lifting him up physically to show his applause. Kamal quickly stopped him and they hugged.
K.S Ravikumar was overjoyed, and said: “No movie of mine has met with such an overwhelming reaction. I’m ecstatic.” All these stars voiced their reactions after a special screening this morning for important people in the film industry. There were several others who emerged from the screening, stunned and congratulating Kamal for pulling of what could prove the movie of the year.
The film is releasing in Telugu with 250 prints and 45 prints are allotted to Nizam area. The film sets a new record by releasing on 36 screens in Hyderabad. Ravi Chandran is releasing the Tamil version in Hyderabad for the Tamilians who are in Hyderabad.