Besides glamour, Ileana has also showcased her acting skills and held her own opposite costars like Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan, NTR, Siddharth, Ravi Theja, Prabhas and Tarun. Did she face any casting couch so far? “Amazing. I should say I am really lucky. People have never crossed the line with me; there has been no casting couch so far. Since my mother has been around me, things have been fine. I am also a no-nonsense person. I have achieved a lot for someone of my age,” said Ileana.
Why doesn’t Ileana speak Telugu?
|Besides glamour, Ileana has also showcased her acting skills and held her own opposite costars like Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan, NTR, Siddharth, Ravi Theja, Prabhas and Tarun. Did she face any casting couch so far? “Amazing. I should say I am really lucky. People have never crossed the line with me; there has been no casting couch so far. Since my mother has been around me, things have been fine. I am also a no-nonsense person. I have achieved a lot for someone of my age,” said Ileana.