Kareena Kapoor has slammed rumors of her acting in a Telugu movie. Tollywood was abuzz with the rumor that the Kareena was being roped in by S J Suryah’s Puli opposite Pawan Kalyan. In the midst of fighting off rumours of anorexia and weight-related disorders that have dogged her since she achieved her impossible 49 kg frame, Kareena dismissed any possibility of her acting in a Telugu film.
Saying she was far too busy with her Bollywood assignments to even think of acting in any regional film, leave alone Telugu film. The actress also added that she would not be interested in doing Telugu films even in the future. S.J Suryah has been searching far and wide for a Bollywood actress to play the lead opposite Pawan Kalyan in his ambitious venture.
Saying she was far too busy with her Bollywood assignments to even think of acting in any regional film, leave alone Telugu film. The actress also added that she would not be interested in doing Telugu films even in the future. S.J Suryah has been searching far and wide for a Bollywood actress to play the lead opposite Pawan Kalyan in his ambitious venture.