The Telugu Desam supremo, who is currently on a 150-day state tour as part of his Mee Kosam rath yatra, said all members of the NTR family were working to ensure that the party returns to power in the May 2009 elections. A private television channel arranged for a telephonic conversation between Jr NTR and Mr Naidu. Jr NTR addressed Mr Naidu as mamayya. This is the first time that Mr Naidu and Jr NTR have spoken to each other in public
NTR gets political invitation
|The Telugu Desam supremo, who is currently on a 150-day state tour as part of his Mee Kosam rath yatra, said all members of the NTR family were working to ensure that the party returns to power in the May 2009 elections. A private television channel arranged for a telephonic conversation between Jr NTR and Mr Naidu. Jr NTR addressed Mr Naidu as mamayya. This is the first time that Mr Naidu and Jr NTR have spoken to each other in public