Remember Devayani who paired opposite Pawan Kalyan in Suswagatham. She took a break from her work after giving birth to her second daughter. A proud mother of two daughters, she gushes about how excited she is with the new arrival in her family. "I am currently basking in the happiness of taking care of my two children.
Kids are wonderful gifts from God, and of course, there is an increased responsibility at home. My husband is always there willing to help me," she says. Devayani moved on to the small screen and became successful on the small screen also. At home, Devayani has a great bundle of joy. "I like girls and my daughters will be my true friends," she says.
Kids are wonderful gifts from God, and of course, there is an increased responsibility at home. My husband is always there willing to help me," she says. Devayani moved on to the small screen and became successful on the small screen also. At home, Devayani has a great bundle of joy. "I like girls and my daughters will be my true friends," she says.