India Cements, which has bought the rights for the Chennai team of the Indian Premier League (IPL), plans to operate on a revenue model involving advertisements on players' helmets, sponsorship for T-shirts, gate collections, and revenue sharing agreements with BCCI and television rights holder Sony. The company yesterday announced that it has signed up Tamil actors Vijay and Nayanthara as brand ambassadors for the team Chennai Super Kings.
Vijay and Nayanthara will endorse Chennai Super Kings, appear on hoardings and IPL television ads, and also turn up at all team matches to cheer captain M S Dhoni and his team. The first match is likely to be held on April 23 in Chennai followed by one each in Mohali, Kolkata and Mumbai. Chennai Super Kings' logo is that of a roaring lion with the tagline: Fearless entertainers who will play to win.