Hero Balakrishnas new film Mithrudu may not have done as well as expected at the box office but he is happy at the way people are appreciating his new soft image in the film. Balakrishna has come up with a different style in Mithrudu, with no trace of his faction politics or his trademark punch dialogues.
Balakrishna want to continue to experiment. He has now signed up for a new film. The film will be director by veteran B Gopal. He has given big hit films with Balakrishna including Narasimha Naidu, Driver Ramudu and Samarasimha Reddy.
Paruchuri Kiriti will be producing the big budget film. The hot bikini babe Nayanatara has been signed up as heroine for the film. This is the first time that Nayanatara is acting with Balakrishna.