Despite the economic meltdown all over the globe, the Chennai city theatrical rights of Vikram Shriya starrer Kanthasamy, directed by Susi Ganesan, have been bought for a record price of Rs 4.01 crore by producer and exhibitor Abirami Ramanathan. Reportedly, it is the biggest deal ever done for such rights in the last one year.
After obtaining the Chennai rights for the film from its producer Kalaipuli S Thanu, Abhirami Ramanathan said, “The movie is going to be an entertainment extravaganza. I am confident that Kanthasamy will do well at the box office. It has all the ingredients to make it big and will be a summer treat for everyone.” The film will be released in 18 theatres in Chennai alone. While Vadivelu is providing the comedy, Devi Sriprasad is composing the music.