Sameera reddy, the hyderabadi girl who debuted in bollywood is being considered for venkatesh next film. Previously, sameera reddy acted in 3 telugu films, one with megastar and two with NTR jr but all of them are big flops and she is considered as iron leg.At that time it was also rumored that she is in love with Telugu actor Jr. NTR and is serious about him. But later it just remained as a gossip.
Now the latest news is that Venkatesh has signaled to Sameera reddy for his next, movie project with director Krish of Gamyam fame. Already there is news that this movie is going to feature two actresses and one of them is going to be a foreign lady. But still this statement has to be confirmed by Venkatesh and Krish.
Sameera with cute looking in her recent hit of Surya S/o Krishnan Sameera has caught the eyes of the directors and so is said that Venkatesh has proposed the name of Sameera Reddy to Krish , who immediately offered her a role. But it is yet to be announced officially.