Kamal Haaasan is now in trouble. His big budget film Marmayogi has been put on the back burner. Kamal Haasan then decided to remake the hit Hindi film 'A Wednesday' in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. He even signed up Mohanlal for the role of police commissioner in Tamil and Malayalam versions.
Kamal Haasan was in talks with Venkatesh for signing him up to play the cop's role for the Telugu version. The UTV Pictures announced that it had bagged the remake rights.
But a case was filed in the court by Koneru Kirankumar. He alleged in his petition that he had acquired the remake rights for the film for Telugu and Tamil and hence UTV had no right to remake the film. Koneru said that he had even paid an advance and he submitted proof for the same. The court is now seized of the matter. More ....