RaviSrinivas Vaitla is set to producer a movie starring comedian-turned-hero Ali, in the direction of Vijayasarathi on Honeywell Arts banner. Director of ‘Kanchanamala Cable TV’, Vijayasarathi has now been roped in to direct this comeback movie of Ali.
‘Yamaleela’ (1994) was a hit movie that turned Ali from a comedian into a hero. Later, he returned back to comedian roles after a series of duds like 'Somberi', 'Gundamma Gaari manavadu', 'Hungama' as hero. Now, he is again playing the lead and pins high hopes over this forthcoming movie.
The movie will be different from Ali’s earlier ventures and it is an action flick filled with comical elements. The heroine is yet to be finalized, while we have roped in two top heroines to dance in two special songs, according to the director.
The first schedule of this pipelined movie will begin on 2nd February and the second will be started from March. The makers are planning to release the movie by the second week of May, after completing the final schedule by April in Hyderabad and Karnataka.
Music is being composed by SriSuman and the camera is being cranked by K. Dattu.
RaoRamesh, Jeeva, 'Satyam' Rajesh, Melkote, 'Amrutham' Harshavardhan, Pavala Shyamala are other important artists in the cast