The Cheran, Pasupathy and Nithin Sathya starrer 'Raman Thediya Seethai', is all set to be remade in Telugu. The Telugu version is titled 'Pelli Patrika' and Jagan, the director of the original will wield the megaphone for the Telugu version.
The female cast of the movie, including Karthika, Kajal Agarwal, Vimala Raman and Ramya Nambeesan.
'Raman Thediya Seethai', produced by Moserbaer went on to become a hit and acclaimed rave reviews. The plot narrated the journey of a young man and his search for a suitable bride. Nithin Sathya and Pasupathy will be a part of the Telugu version. Search is on for the lead cast.
Similarly, Abhirami Ramanathan's forthcoming release 'Panchathantiram' a hilarious entertainer which is directed by Raju Eswaran. The movie stars Prakash Raj, Jayaram and Nasser in lead roles. Plans are on to remake the movie in Telugu by Abhirami Ramanathan himself.