Mahesh Babu, Balakrishna, NTR, Vishnu and Pawan Kalyan are all taking their time deciding on the fine details of their upcoming films. While the makers of Mahesh Babu’s next film have still not zeroed in on the leading lady the VV Vinayak directed NTR starrer is also yet to get over the blocks for reasons best known to them. Same is the case with Pawan Kalyan.
He had started shooting for Puli recently, but his brother’s impending political entry seems to have had a grounding effect on the proceedings. Balakrishna also has not yet made up his mind about his next venture after the debacle of the recently released Pandurangadu. The reason according to sources in the industry is the no availability of top-notch actresses as they are too busy with assignments elsewhere. Well looks like the ladies are finally calling the shots in Tollywood!
He had started shooting for Puli recently, but his brother’s impending political entry seems to have had a grounding effect on the proceedings. Balakrishna also has not yet made up his mind about his next venture after the debacle of the recently released Pandurangadu. The reason according to sources in the industry is the no availability of top-notch actresses as they are too busy with assignments elsewhere. Well looks like the ladies are finally calling the shots in Tollywood!