A specially designed van was made to travel across 21 towns in Tamil Nadu to gather votes from various cross-sections of music lovers. The first vote was cast by director and cameraman Rajeev Menon as soon as the process was launched by ace director Maniratnam. The whole event has been organized by Isai Aruvi, a 24 hour music channel from the Kalaignar TV bouquet. Also, The awards, the channel said, had been instituted to recognise the enormous contribution of music towards the success of a film and as a token of Isai Aruvi's gratitude, as music forms the genre of the channel.
Shruti Haasn to perform at hometown
|A specially designed van was made to travel across 21 towns in Tamil Nadu to gather votes from various cross-sections of music lovers. The first vote was cast by director and cameraman Rajeev Menon as soon as the process was launched by ace director Maniratnam. The whole event has been organized by Isai Aruvi, a 24 hour music channel from the Kalaignar TV bouquet. Also, The awards, the channel said, had been instituted to recognise the enormous contribution of music towards the success of a film and as a token of Isai Aruvi's gratitude, as music forms the genre of the channel.