Popular actress and danseuse Shobana launched her school Kalarpana, a culture center for classical dance at a function organised at the Savera Hotel in Chennai on Wednesday. The centre has been conceived, created and developed as an all encompassing forum for learning, experimenting, teaching, exhibiting and spreading Bharatanatyam. Talking on the occasion the actress said, “The school is meant to support conducive cultural environment. It will be first of its kind in Chennai.”
She also revealed that she has already invested Rs 2.5 crores into her dream project without any support from either the government or corporates “The building is getting ready and I have roped in popular artistes to paint the walls to give a different ambience. Students have already been enrolled for the course,” she said. The classical dancer has revamped her musical journey, a dance drama — Maya Ravan, the epic Ramayan retold with some variations.