The much-hyped Sarkar Raj has failed to make a dent at the box office, with multiplexes recording only a 50% occupancy on the opening day. The only respite for the film came on Sunday with occupancy levels reaching the 85-90% mark. However, come Monday and collections across multiplexes have plummeted drastically. Even the stellar star cast, with the entire Bachchan family acting in the movie, has not managed to keep the film afloat. Distributors across the country are now worried about the potential losses that they may have to bear, if the film’s performance does not pick up.
In terms of theatrical revenues, the film is expected to rake in only Rs 13-14 crore on an investment of about Rs 25 crore. The film was sold to Balaji Telefilms for about Rs 42 crore. Film Analyst Komal Nahta said, “The film has not worked because the script was dry and rather verbose, despite it being a short film. The film will run into losses, and will not make money at least via theatrical revenues.” The film was positioned as one of the big blockbusters this summer, and was slated to be Ram Gopal Varma’s comeback movie, post a series of flops.