Kajal Agarwal was injured at the sets of 'Modhi Vilayadu' and sustained injuries in her head while shooting for the movie 'Modhi Vilayadu' at the AVM Studios in Chennai.
Kajal Agarwal, who made her debut in Tamil with 'Pazhani', was shooting for 'Modhi Vilayadu' opposite Vinay.
While filming a sequence that involved the hero Vinay and Kajal to perform a kind of sword fight, the sword hit her head and she started bleeding. She was immediately taken to a private hospital. It was the same sword that was used by Ajith in 'Billa' as the Art Director is the same.
The actress, who played the female lead in Bharathiraja's 'Bommalattam' which is yet to be released, needed four stitches in order to get the wound healing.
An unfortunate incident for Kajal Agarwal and that too on the eve of her birthday.
Cheer up girl….you'll get back to action soon