In fact she will start shooting for director YVS Choudhary’s film in July. Next she will be working in director Surender Reddy’s next film with Ravi Teja in the lead. Besides she will also be playing the lead in another film to be produced by BVSN Prasad. That's not all. She has given her approval to star opposite Vikram for a Tamil film to be directed by KS Ravi Kumar. That should put all speculations to rest for at least two years.
Ileana flooded with offers
|In fact she will start shooting for director YVS Choudhary’s film in July. Next she will be working in director Surender Reddy’s next film with Ravi Teja in the lead. Besides she will also be playing the lead in another film to be produced by BVSN Prasad. That's not all. She has given her approval to star opposite Vikram for a Tamil film to be directed by KS Ravi Kumar. That should put all speculations to rest for at least two years.