Asin is going places in Mumbai even before her first film hits the screens. Asin will be seen making her Bollywood debut in the much-hyped Ghajini. She has now signed two new films. Asin has agreed to star in Vipul Shah's Salman Khan-Ajay Devgan starrer London Dreams, in which she will be paired opposite Salman. She has also signed a film to be directed by Priyadarshan, opposite Akshay Kumar. This sure makes Asin one of the hottest newcomers with films opposite the big boys even before Ghajini hits the theatres.
Before shifting base to Mumbai, however, she created a different kind of stir back home in Chennai, when the parents of her maid-servant filed a police-case for the missing daughter. This led to a bit of hungama, before Asin called from Mumbai to sort matters and say that the maid was with her in Mumbai. Well, as far as Tollywood is concerned, looks like we will be missing this beauty for quite some time to come. What with her Bollywood commitments, she has said ‘no’ to all filmmakers here.