Vikrams's action adventure Mallanna with Shriya, is going to have some foot-tapping music by Devi Sri Prasad. At the launch of the film a few months back, a special trailer was made for the occasion. In the trailer, one song was heard in the background - Excuse me Mr. Mallanna… which everyone thought was a peppy number. Now, Susi and music director Devi have reworked the song, and provided more dum to it. In the film, it is going to be a question and answer song between an angry Shriya and a cool Vikram, who are at loggerheads.
Devisri recorded the song with the voices of the hot and happening singer Suchitra and Vikram. After the song was recorded, everybody including producer Kalapuli Thanu now feels that this unique come-hither song has the potential to be a chartbuster. They are all insisting that Vikram's voice be retained and the song be picturised in a lavish manner by a Mumbai-based choreographer.