Former Miss India Sayali Bhagat answers a dozen questions on her forthcoming Telugu film Blade Babji with poise and charm. Her excitement over her Tollywood venture is unmistakable "Being a total Mumbaiyya, I thought South Indian films wouldn't be my cup of tea. But after working here, I've changed my mind and I’m looking for a career in Tollywood." She continues enthusiastically about her debut Telugu film, "I loved it, my costar Allari Naresh is a brilliant actor and director Devi Prasad had is one of the best names to work with in the industry, it was a great experience working with both of them."
She says, "I freaked out on Hyderabadi biryani even though I generally watch what I eat. I also love the nightlife, and partying here is fun. I would be pretty excited if work keeps bringing me back." And she confesses something else that could bring her back to the city. While romances on screen are aplenty, she confirms that she's single, and we inform her that there are plenty of eligible men in the city "I'd love to have a boyfriend in