After teaching an overzealous fan a lesson in Tirupati, actress Shriya is nowadays camping in Delhi for a film shoot. Shooting for Deepa Mehta’s What’s Cooking? And waiting for the release of Ek, Mission Istanbul, a Tamil film and her Hollywood venture The Other End of the Line, Shriya says that she’d rather call it Indian cinema and not Kollywood, Tollywood or Bollywood. “Call it Indian cinema. South Indians think Punjabis form North India and North Indians think that Madras is all there is in South India . Cinema is a powerful medium and as a young actor I want to convey my message strong and clear,” she says.
Which Bollywood star does this heroine of Rajinikanth want to work with now? “Amitabh Bachchan,” is the answer. And then, there’s Hollywood . “Hollywood is Hollywood ! It is interesting to do different kinds of cinema and it was a great experience. In The Other End of the Line, I play a peppy girl from Mumbai who works in a call centre and falls in love with Jesse Metcalfe,” she says. Did Cupid strike in real life too? “No! People started thinking that way because Jesse and I got along very well. He’s a very nice guy but there is nothing between us. He is one of the most professional actors, simple and very easy to get along with. I’m not seeing anybody as of now,” she says.