Beauty queen Sindhura Gadde‘s maiden Telugu film, Sangamam, is finally hitting the marquee. The film directed by cinematographer turned director Rasool and produced by Manoranjan Private Ltd is a love story set in USA.
"We are set to release the movie this month end. After seeing the final product, I am to announce that the film has really come out so well. Although it is set in USA, the movie touches chord with our audiences. It is proper romantic drama," Rasool informed the media.
Sindhura Gadde said she is glad to make debut in this movie. "Being a Telugu girl, doing Telugu movies gives me satisfaction and I believe this is right movie to begin with," she said. She also thanked the producer and director for giving her first break. Newcomer Rohith who is making debut also wished that Telugu people would accept him as an actor.
NRI producer Ramana says: "It has been my dream to venture into film production. Finally it has been materialized. We planned to release the movie in December and launched music in November but it got delayed for post-production work. Keeravani‘s music has been received well and we hop the same with the film."