'Dasavadharam': The director's take!


Here is more news on the 'Dasavatharam' stands.

This is what director K.S. Ravikumar had to say regarding the making of 'Dasavadharam', as well as his presence in the film.

When questioned about the kind of role that he was portraying for the film K.S. sir quipped that in 'Dasavatharam' he would appear crooning a song in praise for the protagonist of the film. The director is also skewed about his past experiences regarding is comments on the actors. He makes a clear statement commenting that if the directors themselves do not have anything good to say about their actors then who else would?

The public as well as the fans are not for the director bad mouthing the stars and so in this film the director adheres to the sentiments of the fans.

While asked to comment if the director came across any extraordinary feeling that he experienced while filming 'Dasavadharam', the proud director comments that he has played God in his films by bringing shower and thunder from the slightest signal from him, but 'Dasavadharam' has given him credit for creating and curbing a natural disaster as big as the tsunami!

Director K.S. Ravikumar is also well known for his timing in humor so can we expect some rib ticklers from him in this flick too?

For this the director's answer is in the affirmative. He says the audience will be pleased with the humor element in 'Dasavadharam' conveyed through facial expressions, dialogues as well as visuals apart from a multitude of other emotions that will curse through the crowd through the entirety of the film.

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