Uday Kiran’s presently-under-production EkaLOVEyudu will be released in the second week of April while its audio will be released on April 2nd, producer Medikonda Murali Krishna announced at a press meet. “The film’s shooting will be completed in 75 days. We have a very young team working on this film. Uday Kiran is a very co operative actor” he added.
The film stars Uday Kiran and Kriti Ahuja in the lead and is directed by new comer KRK. “The film is a very touching love story. All of us have worked very hard for this film without any kind of ego hassles. I am very thankful to writer Sai for his suggestions.” KRK said.
“The film’s title justify its story” Uday kiran said “A film’s story is very important for it’s success and this film has a very good one. KRK has handled this film very maturely. The transformation of the characters is very smooth and consistent. It is a glamorous film” .
“Even though our last two films, Suryudu and Narasimha Naidu, were big hits, we took almost three years to find the right story for our next production.” Co producer Amarchand Medikonda said “I am confident that this film will bring us into the limelight.”