In yet another instance of families washing dirty linen in public, Ramaraju and Chandravathi parents of popular actor and television host Shivaji Raja filed a case of neglect and abuse against the actor in the Family Court. Accusing the actor of neglecting them and not providing them with so much as a roof over their head and food, Ramaraju unveiled his pathetic story to TV 9. “Even though he (Shivaji Raja) was earning good money we used to still stay with our daughter. But now after my daughter’s death we have nobody to take care of us. He would not take us in but instead asked us to die” Ramaraju told the media. Ramaraju and wife Chandravathi told the media. “I sold my Mangalsutra to help him in his career” Chandravathi said. The couple is reportedly staying under a water tank.
“It was my friends who helped me in more ways than one to build my career” Shivaji refuted. “I used to send them Rs.5000 every month. But after my sister’s death certain family issues took place because of which I stopped sending them the money. Other than that I have not done anything that they are accusing me of. I have such a good wife, brothers-in-law and friends but it is my parents who have taken me to the road. After all that has happened if I do not speak out now I will be thought of as the culprit. After surviving a near death experience a couple of years ago, this is all that my parents can think off to do to me.” Shivaji Raja said speaking to the media “After all that was said and done on TV I don’t have anything more to lose”Shivaji replied.