Prakashraj yesterday visited the Family court in Egmore, Chennai seeking divorce from his wife ex actress Lalithakumary. Prakashraj said that he and his wife have mutually agreed to split and lead lives separately. He also mentioned that he wanted the custody of his children.
Prakashraj further dispelled the rumors speculating in the media about his association with his personal secretary, dance master Boney Verma, and another actress stating that they were mere rubbish. “Those are just baseless and unsubstantiated rumors and I’m not such a person to go around with people while still in a relationship,” said Prakash Raj. Prakashraj’s wife Lalithakumary, however, has not approached the court yet for filing a divorce petition.
Prakashraj further dispelled the rumors speculating in the media about his association with his personal secretary, dance master Boney Verma, and another actress stating that they were mere rubbish. “Those are just baseless and unsubstantiated rumors and I’m not such a person to go around with people while still in a relationship,” said Prakash Raj. Prakashraj’s wife Lalithakumary, however, has not approached the court yet for filing a divorce petition.