“A successful films need a good story not glamour,” said Bhavana, who recently did Ontari with Gopi Chand. Though Ontari is her first Telugu film, she did many Tamil and Malayalam films earlier. “ I am not acting for money and so I am not in hurry. I am not running after the producers or directors. I am taking the chances that are knocking my door. Ontari happened like that,” said Bhavana.
“ I always wanted to be away from Telugu Industry. Because I thought Telugu Industry demands more exposing and glamour to other South Indian Film Industries,” added Bhavana. What will do when a character demands her to go for short dress? “ I don’t think I can take such characters. A successful film needs talent and story not glamour. Premiste was super hit. Is there any glamour quotient in it? Producers and directors should understand that,” added Bhavana.