Producer KS Rama Rao is the person, who named Chiranjeevi as Megastar Chiranjeevi. What made him to name him Megastar Chiranjeevi, “ His talent, his sincerity towards work and his behavior on the sets and his success rate made me to change his name from Supreme hero to Megastar,” said KS Rama Rao. He was responding to the recent reports on Megastar’s entry into politics and the NTV polls, which said that only 39% of the participants responded positively for Chiranjeevi’s entry into politics.
“ He is kind hearted, he is clean and he has the ability to start a new political party. He will stay as Megastar in the hearts of all Telugu people,” said KS Ramarao. Latter congress MP Hari Ram Jogaiah said that, “People never asked NTR to enter into politics. But after he announced Telugu Desam he got tremendous response. Now many people are asking Chiranjeevi to come to politics and he enters politics he will defiantly become successful.”