Sameera Reddy is all set to play a Naxalite in her next film Red Alert. “It is inspired by a true story that appeared in newspapers. Red Alert talks on the issue of Naxalites. It is not just limited to India but it’s a global issue.” says director Anant Mahadevan. It is believed that Sameera who plays a role of a Naxalite is doing a lot of research. She has also read a biography of dreaded terrorist Osama Bin Laden. She confirms, “Yes I have read Osama Bin Laden’s biography. But coming back to the Naxal problem, there are always two sides to a Naxalite. It explains how and why a person becomes a Naxalite.” Sameera has a reason for doing this film.
She reveals “I am also from Andhra Pradesh where the naxalite attacks are a common occurrence. Everyday you will here about such happenings there. It’s a very big problem. I already know about the issue, so I am very happy that someone from Bollywood is actually making a film on it.” Red Alert will have an international version, which has been titled as Spring Thunder for the overseas market. Sameera will be seen in very different get-ups.” Red Alert will commence in April end.