Earlier Sameera Reddy was linked with Jr NTR. There were reports that Jr.NTR had tried his best to rope in her in all his films. In Bollywood too she was linked with director Sanjay Gupta. For the past one year she has been dating Shamshul Lalani and recently there was rumors that she has separated from him and seeing a businessman.
Ask her about her new relationship, “I'm a one-man woman. Once I'm with someone, it takes ages to shift my loyalties,” replied Sameera sharply. “We may be celebrities but at the end of the day we have lives outside our jobs. I'm sure we can be allowed a little bit of fun without anyone intruding on our privacy,” said Sameera. Is marriage on the cards? “Not for a while. Let my sister get married first,” adds Sameera Reddy.