Mahesh Babu is likely to appear in a novel six-pack get up, as that was the current trend. The Prince is reportedly doing physical exercises very hard for the purpose. There is a big dilemma among the fans of Mahesh Babu whether their hero's next film would hit screen in 2008 or not. Last year, Mahesh Babu's film Athidi was released but failed to reach the expectations. Hence the Mahesh Babu-Trivikram combo might begin only after summer.
He is expected to play hero in Trivikram Srinivas' direction. However, the director is presently busy with Jalsaa and that movie is set for release in summer.
The fans of Mahesh Babu are debating whether the director could complete the film before the end of 2008. Varudu is the title under consideration of the movie. However, the sources in the film industry say, the director and hero are committed to complete the film in time.