Dheerudu, Ram Charan's next movie under Direction of S S Rajamouli is all getting ready for a grand launch on 28th of this month. Regular shooting of this flick will be held in Rajastan from 2nd March, said a source from the production house.
Geetha Arts will be producing this prestigious film, whose music will be composed by Keeravani. Ram Charan has been spending most of his time in gym to have good looks in movie. While Venkat will play the negative role, Sridevi may play an important role in this flick.
Geetha Arts will be producing this prestigious film, whose music will be composed by Keeravani. Ram Charan has been spending most of his time in gym to have good looks in movie. While Venkat will play the negative role, Sridevi may play an important role in this flick.