Dasari Narayana Rao’s son Taraka Prabhu, who was kidnapped on Tuesday, appeared at his residence in Chennai on Wednesday. He alleged that his wife, Suseela had engineered the kidnap to get his property. He also claimed that he had escaped from his kidnappers and had reached Chennai in a bus. In an interview to a private channel, Prabhu said that his wife forced him to consume alcohol after summoning him to Chittoor and made him stay in the lodge for two days. He added that he would file a case against her in Hyderabad and would also approach the court for divorce.
Meanwhile, Suseela denied her husband’s allegation while speaking to reporters at Chittoor on Wednesday. She alleged that he was being pressured by his kidnappers to make such statements. “Why should I opt for kidnapping him when I want to live with him?” she asked. “I am not interested in his property and only want to live with him.” Suseela said her father-in-law, Dasari Narayana Rao, had offered crores of rupees to her to part with Prabhu but she refused the offer since she wanted to be with him.